Acalanes Chapter, NSDAR
Lafayette, California

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Chapter Activities

Our meetings are held on the first Saturday of the month in Walnut Creek or sometimes in a member’s home at 11:30 a.m., January through June and October through December to share and foster our love of country and its history, as well as our local community. We welcome potential members to join us!.


If you love genealogy, we hope that you will visit the Walnut Creek Library Heritage area. This incredible collection of research material began with only a few books donated by DAR members in 1970 with  Chapter Regent Ann Bennett, as our representative. In 1976, the name was changed from the DAR Library to Heritage Library, as it was to include all heritage organizations. Our chapter continues to actively contribute both volunteer hours and books.

DAR Good Citizens Award

The Acalanes Chapter, NSDAR, works with many of our local schools to sponsor the DAR Good Citizens Award. This prestigious award honors those senior high school students with outstanding academic records and community involvement. These students are truly serving others and also taking on early leadership roles. It is a delight for our chapter to support this program!


We have a strong history of supporting conservation efforts. Currently, our chapter is involved with the Penny Pines Project, which plants trees on national forest land. Here is a letter we received for our work:

On the weekend of October 27, a bunch of friends, and I enjoyed Sierra Shangri-La on the Yuba River outside of Downieville. We drove up to this most awesome view of Sierra Buttes, just a few minutes beyond Bassetts. It is here that we saw the Penny Pines Sign where a forest fire had occurred... and....with gratitude to the reforestation project that Penny Pines made possible!

Wreaths Across America
The Acalanes Chapter, NSDAR,  is the location coordinator for the Lafayette Cemetery on National Wreaths Across America Day in December.  Wreaths Across America (WAA) is a national nonprofit organization founded in 2007.
Please contact regent for meeting locations or more information.  

Good Publicity


Our chapter has collected food for the Food Bank of Contra Costa, supplies for the Blue Star Mothers, Girl Scout cookies to send to troops overseas, and books for the local nursing home. These are just a few of the recent community projects in which we’ve enjoyed participating. We hope you’ll join us in our future endeavors!